Can you say mousing? This was my first ever attempt at mousing after dark and it was very interesting. I worked about 100 yards of river, up one bank and down the next. Started fishing around 8:45 pm but it took about 1 hour before I saw any action. Finally got close to a piece of slow water up next to the bank and landed a good cast. Did a couple small strips and heard the explosion of a trout hitting my fly. Landed a nice brown and sent a cast just downstream for where it hit. Heard another hard hit but missed the fish. Cast right back to the spot and didn't miss this time, landing a second brown that was even better. Ended the night around 10:30 pm with a couple hit and misses but was happy with two browns in the 15" - 17" range. Did learn that night time makes for bad photos but that's alright.
A good number of bugs (some mayflies and midges) were out before dark and a handful of fish were feeding at the surface. It looked like there was good feeding activity just under the surface as well.

Nice fish. Thanks for the post, I’ve really wanted to try this I have heard so many good things.